artist biography

I’m originally from the northwest and have been living in Colorado for the last 10 years. I’ve loved drawing and painting since I was a kid so naturally I was drawn to tattooing. I derived a lot of my inspiration early on from old Disney movies, then it became album art from metal bands, hot sad boys with tattoos, and my love for horror movies and all things weird and creepy.

I also am fascinated with American traditional tattooing, although that's not my style, I frequently reference that imagery when I’m drawing. I want to capture the boldness of american traditional but in a more refined way. I like making color tattoos that are mean and bold with a dark feel.

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  • Blackwork
  • Ornamental
  • Sacred Geometry
  • Illustrative
  • Ornamental
  • Blackwork
  • Fineline
  • Blackwork